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Issues and Advocacy

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Sponsorship Opportunities

We are shaping the policies that make South Carolina strong. 

We are a statewide organization that promotes pro-job and pro-business policies at the state and federal level. We bring together businesses from across the state – both big and small – through coordinated strategies, training opportunities, and networking events. With a unified voice, we will make the biggest impact.

Our Mission

To be the leading voice for business in South Carolina

Our Vision

South Carolina’s economy is the most vibrant in the United States, creating opportunity and prosperity for all.

Our Members

Our members span industry sectors. They range from startups to family-owned businesses to global enterprises, from the Lowcountry to the Upstate.

Competitiveness Agenda 

2024 Legislative Issues

The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce closely monitors legislative issues that will affect South Carolina’s business community.. Every year, we identify specific issue areas that are important to South Carolina businesses and communities in our annual Competitiveness Agenda. We identify these areas by gathering feedback from local Chambers of Commerce across the state, surveying our membership and convening our policy committees and board. We channel our advocacy efforts towards these areas to push for the best results for S.C. businesses possible at the state and federal levels.

2024 Competitiveness Agenda


Know What's Happening

Three Things to Know, our popular weekly newsletter, will keep you up to date with the top news affecting the business community in South Carolina in a concise and quick email.


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Network. Collaborate. Learn. Grow.

Image of Nephron Pharmaceuticals
"Working alongside the Chamber, I've realized that they are critical to the success of the business community. Through programs like the HBCU STEM Program and Business Week, they are working hard to ensure we have a skilled and successful workforce."
Image of Leigh Fibers
"The State Chamber of Commerce is great for business in South Carolina. The committee structure enables leveraging and sharing of best practices, as well as provides updates on the latest legislative challenges and changes. This in invaluable to the small- and medium-sized businesses in the state that cannot afford to have all of these resources in-house. Active participation is key to success for all of us. "
Image of South Carolina Ports Authroity
"When South Carolina works together, we win - and that's why the state chamber is so vital in connecting business leaders across South Carolina. The Chamber is the place where the private sector and our state's economic engines like the Port can collaborate on how we grow South Carolina. "


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