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Industrial asset management consulting

Manage your asset life cycle for performance and risk

You might need help with your asset management strategy if:

  • You’re sure your operation could be more efficient
  • Operating costs are inconsistent, but higher than you feel they should be
  • Your production line’s in “run-to-failure” mode
  • Plant managers are taking after-hours calls and fighting fires
  • Payroll costs are high because hourly employees are working overtime to hit production goals around equipment breakdowns

Contact us to learn more

Whether you have an active and underperforming plant or you’re building a new operation, we’ve got you covered.

If digital manufacturing is in your plant’s future, a
Risk-Based Asset Management (RBAM®) strategy is a critical step in building a strong foundation.

Risk-based asset management

With an RBAM strategy, you’ll get the most out of your physical assets while preserving their capital value, optimize your maintenance schedule for increased asset uptime, and meet production needs.

Why risk-based asset management?

Because your equipment's going to need maintenance to avoid breakdown.

It’s not a matter of if – it’s when. We’ll help you identify your most critical assets and the risk they pose to your bottom line in the event of a major failure, and develop a strategy to cover the life cycle of your assets.

At our core, LCE is focused on industrial asset management and optimization.

Whether you’re launching a new facility or improving an existing operation, we’ll help you reduce operating costs and improve asset reliability and availability to increase productivity and throughput.

It’s also not enough to address just your physical assets. To be effective and sustainable, your asset management strategy needs to be holistic. No matter how much we want to reduce a problem to assets, we need to consider people, process and technology too.

When you consider physical assets, people, process and technology – the ‘whole picture’ – we call that a smart culture.

This may seem daunting when you do it on your own. We can help. We’ll start where you are, assessing your current operations and assets to identify opportunities and gaps. From there, we’ll work with you to develop the necessary processes and capabilities to create a measurable and robust asset management plan.

We’ll also help you create a culture of continuous improvement

Because once you have a reliability-based approach, you’ll find the time your team’s been using to fight fires will now be available for improvement initiatives. You’ll create a loop of continuous optimization!

How does your preventive / predictive maintenance (PM / PdM) program stack up?

If you’ve got an asset maintenance program in place, take this quick assessment to compare it against best practices.