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Meet The People

Meet The People

Have we painted a picture that’s almost too good to be true?

Don’t take our word for it; listen to some first-hand experiences from LCE employees.


We are a professional services company supporting increasingly technical and complex industrial businesses. It’s hard but rewarding work, mainly because of our people-first culture.

Culture: We share a common belief that we don’t see success until we see it in others. That’s as true for our team as it is for the work we do with clients.

It’s not all work and no fun, by the way. We take great pride in our warm and collegial work environment; we enjoy employer-sponsored events, social collaboration and an atmosphere of open communication. And maybe most importantly today–we offer flexible schedules and a relaxed dress code. It’s not the 1980s anymore!


Growth & future opportunities

All of this promises existing and future employees a rich career of growth and development. We’re committed to helping you see personal success as you help your colleagues and clients achieve it, too.

Meet our recruiters, your key contact
for LCE opportunities.

Corporate Recruiter Charleston, SC
Corporate Recruiter Washington, District of Columbia

Meet our people!

Software Developer
Lead System Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Logistics Analyst
Sr. Engineering Technician