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Stay competitive with a commitment to operational excellence

A culture of continuous improvement and operational excellence keeps your eye on the prize

Why do we pursue operational excellence? Why isn’t ‘good’ good enough? 

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

In the industrial world, thriving, competitive organizations are nimble, proactive and consistently evolving. They’re not satisfied with the status quo; they’re certainly not complacent. The best defense is a good offense – they’re always seeking excellence. 

These organizations are so committed to continuous improvement across the business and within all business processes that they create a culture where everyone is invested in business outcomes and empowered to implement change. That’s operational excellence

Whether you’ve got a brownfield site you want to improve – because standards have been slipping, or because you want to take your operation from good to excellent – or you’re planning a greenfield site and want to start in the strongest position you can, we can help.

Whether you have an active and underperforming plant or you’re building a new operation, we’ve got you covered.

Operational Excellence: Work smarter, not harder.

While industrial asset management and optimization are our bread and butter, we’ve known for a long time that you can’t implement a step change without looking at the whole picture. No matter how much you might want to reduce a problem to equipment or process, when you’re in pursuit of excellence, you need to identify where improvement is most needed and most impactful.

That’s why we consider people, process, technology and assets. A smart operation starts with a smart culture. A culture of continuous improvement starts with a smart culture. 

This may seem daunting when you do it on your own. We can help. We’ll start where you are, assessing your current operation to identify opportunities and gaps. From there, we’ll work with you to develop the necessary processes and capabilities to create a measurable and robust asset management plan. We’ll also help you create the culture of continuous improvement you need to achieve operational excellence, and help you prioritize the changes that will make the biggest impact so you can start with and maintain momentum.

We’ll also help you create a culture of continuous improvement

Plus, once you’re on the path to a smart culture, we’ve got a system to keep you on track: the LCEsmartr Playbook, an online operational management system complete with standard work, training, practitioner tools, and management dashboards to support your operational excellence program.

If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there.

First, we’ll assess your organization’s asset management system, reliability program, digital transformation readiness and workstream performance.

From there, we’ll help you identify and prioritize where improvements are most needed and most impactful. Sometimes, you need to shore up your weaknesses. At the same time, making your strengths stronger can differentiate your operation enough to stay competitive. 

One of our assessments focuses on Reliability Excellence®. Reliable operations require a shared set of values, common performance expectations, proven work processes and well-established measurement criteria. In these operations, a focus on reliability engineering becomes a competitive advantage by directly impacting cost, quality, throughput and safety. 

The Reliability Excellence journey requires building the foundation of principles and culture, establishing and optimizing the processes and procedures that create reliability, and putting in place the management and reporting elements that drive sustainability and continuous improvement.

The result? A collaborative relationship between maintenance and other departments, such as engineering, operations, production, quality, finance and regulatory, that’s critical to achieving and sustaining operational excellence and overall business performance.

Learn more about Reliability Excellence here

If you’re planning a new site, we’ll help you assess your operational readiness. We’ll identify risks from your project’s design phase through to steady-state operations – early enough to implement the strategic mitigation measures necessary while they’re still cost-effective.

Transforming your culture: from current state to operational excellence

Once we’ve identified and prioritized the necessary improvements, we will develop a customized operational excellence program aligned to your operation’s specific goals and market challenge. 

This phase is tailored to your operation, but generally includes a strong focus on change management with both leadership and employees, culture and operational transformation, executing and sustaining operational excellence projects, implementing new technologies and processes as needed, and maintaining key priorities. 

For greenfield projects, we’ll develop an integrated master schedule as a consistent tool for planning, executing and tracking activity.

How does your preventive / predictive maintenance (PM / PdM) program stack up?

If you’ve got an asset maintenance program in place, take this quick assessment to compare it against best practices.